Sunday 11 November 2012


I wish I could run away with you. Start a new life else where.

Tuesday 6 November 2012


Earning some self-respect.

It seems like such a simple task.  Stand up for yourself.  Be honest with yourself.

Watch this space.

Monday 5 November 2012


I honestly think I'm coming to the end of my senses.

He is my best friend, so I'm going to hate writing this.

I cannot stand it here.  I feel like I should be bald, from the frustration and the number of times I tug at my hair trying to calm down.  It feels like ripping clumps of this untidy, unfashionable mop from my scalp might just, somehow, make things better.

Saturday 3 November 2012


"Come forth bear witness, see the profit from your loss.  Beg for forgiveness, only after you tally the cost.  We arrive at this place of no return my sisters, only to discover that our values ran us aground on the shoal in the sea of what we could be."

The tight knot of fear in your stomach.  Or is it excitement?
The moment when you feel like your future hangs on one decision.
The adrenaline rush that comes from looking into the unknown.
The prospect of changing yourself for good.

Some may call it an epiphany.
Some may call it change.
Some may call it common sense.
Some may call it self help.